Tuition & Fees
Grades K-8
$6,166.00 per child
K-8 Registration
Please select a registration type above for step-by-step registration instructions.
Current Family Re-enrollment
Re-enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year is coming soon for current QP families!
Follow these steps to re-enroll your child(ren) at Queen of Peace School:
- Log in to your OptionC account.
- At the top of the window, you should see some menu tabs. Move your cursor over the tab labeled OFFICE.
- A drop-down menu should appear. At the bottom of the menu, click on ENROLLMENT.
- Make your re-enrollment choice for each child listed. If you have another child who will be enrolling at QP School for the first time, find the following phrase on the screen: If you would like to add a new student for consideration, click or press here. Follow the directions on the next screen.
- If you intend to re-enroll your child(ren), please write one registration check for the appropriate amount ($50/child). The check should be made out to Queen of Peace School. Please drop off the check in the school or parish office. You may also mail your check to QP, putting it to the attention of Chad Riegert.
- Your child's spot at QP will be secured for 2021-2022 when...
- you have indicated your return status on OptionC, and
- we have received your registration payment.
We are kindly asking that current families complete the re-registration process no later than March 1st, at which time we will determine the number of spots we can open up in each grade to new familes wanting to register. If you think you will need extra time to make your re-renrollment decision or need additional assistance, please contact Josh Mears at or call the school office 513-863-8705.
Any additional paperwork will be sent out at a later time.
Thank you for choosing Queen of Peace School!
New Familiy Registration
Any family who does not currently have a child in our school should follow the link below to register their child(ren) for the 2021/2022 school year through OptionC. You will need to create an account to proceed.
Once you login, you will be asked to provide information for the following four sections:
- Family Details : Update family information such as email, phone and address.
- Parents/Guardians : Update your information, or add another parent to the family.
- New Students : Add a new student to be considered for enrollment at our school.
- Submit to School : Send new student information to the school.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 513-863-8705 or contact Josh Mears at
Thank you for choosing Queen of Peace School!
2 day Preschool AM (Mon-Tue morning): $1,366.00
2 day Preschool All Day (Mon-Tue): $1,931.00
3 day Preschool AM (Mon-Wed morning): $2,029.00
3 day Preschool All Day(Mon-Wed): $2,925.00
4 day Preschool AM (Mon-Thu morning): $2,704.00
4 day Preschool All Day (Mon-Thu): $3,900.00
5 day Preschool AM (Mon-Fri morning): $3,380.00
5 day Preschool All Day (Mon-Fri): $4,874.00
3 day Pre-K AM (Mon-Wed morning): $2,110.00
3 day Pre-K All Day (Mon-Wed): $3,399.00
4 day Pre-K AM (Mon-Thu morning): $2,814.00
4 day Pre-K All Day (Mon-Thu): $4,532.00
5 day Pre-K AM (Mon-Fri morning): $3,518.00
5 day Pre-K All Day (Mon-Fri): $5,665.00
Priority Ranking System
*When filling scarce roster spots, the following rank order is used to prioritize admissions:
- Currently enrolled students
- Student parishioners with siblings enrolled in Queen of Peace School
- Student parishioners new to Queen of Peace School
- Catholic students (non-parishioner) new to Queen of Peace School
- Christian students new to Queen of Peace School
- Non-Catholic, non-Christian students new to Queen of Peace School
Tuition Assitance
Catholic Education Foundation
Thanks to the Catholic Education Foundation for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, financial aid is available for catholic elementary school students. All grants are needs-based and can be used at any Catholic elementary school within the Archdiocese.
Pre-School & Kindergarten Welcome Scholarships
The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) is excited to offer a limited number of Welcome Scholarships to Pre-School or Kindergarten students who are the first of their family to attend a Catholic school.
The school administration has also made the decision to pursue "EdChoice Provider" status. This means that eligible students will be able to apply to the Ohio Department of Education for an EdChoice scholarship. If they receive the scholarship, Queen of Peace School will accept it.
Parish Aid
If all other forms of financial aid have been sought without success, there is the possibility, but not guarantee, of aid from the parish. Contact Josh Mears at for more info.